The Bifrost Portal channels dimensional energy and allows for instantaneous travel within the realms of Mythwars. Players are able to harness this energy and summon heroes and troops to assist them in the battle to defeat the Dark Lord. Through the use of Gems, Coins, or Free Daily summons, players have the ability to receive powerful allies. The portal offers players a chance at an Elemental Summon, Epic Hero Summon, Epic Troop Summon, and a Daily or Random hero or Troop (3* or below). In addition, there are powerful Heroes of the Month (HOTM) that are possible through bonus draws.

----Written by Grumman

The Bitfrost Portal is where players can summon heroes. Heroes can be summoned using coins or gems. Hero and Troop coins can be found by winning levels in the regions, quests, titans, and missions. These coins can be viewed in your Inventory and can be used to purchase troops once 100 respective coins are collected. When there are enough coins available for each respective portal then a red alert on the Bifrost Portal is visible.

All hero summons are completely random within the respective portal availability.

Summons can occur through four portals: elemental, epic hero, epic troop, or daily summon.

The elemental portal rotates through the five elemental colors. This will guarantee a hero 3* or greater of that elemental color and will have an increased chance of a legendary hero. Players can summon as a single hero for 300 gems or summon ten at once for 2600 gems.

The epic hero portal will summon a hero of any elemental color 3* or greater. During seasonal events or challenge quests then themes will make additional heroes available for a limited time in this portal. Players can summon as a single hero for 300 gems or summon ten at once for 2600 gems.

The epic troop portal will summon a 3* or 4* troop. This summon has a single troop for 200 gems or summon ten at once for 1600 gems.

The daily summon portal will summon a 1* or 2* hero or 1* or 2* troop. Players can summon as a single hero for 150 gems or summon ten at once for 1200 gems. There is one free daily summon every 24 hours.

Within the elemental and epic hero portals are a combined ascension item chest. After 30 combined summons a chest will be available to give ascension items at some chance.

Each month has a 5* monthly hero. With each elemental summon or epic hero summon there is a chance to pull the monthly hero in addition to the purchased summon.

----Written by Bigphatwang